Welcome to the worlds #1 No BS Health & Fitness Podcast! The fitness industry is full of harmful, incorrect information. Beth and Matt are both "NO BS" Health & Fitness Coaches that are dedicated to busting myths and helping you reach your goals without following trendy diets and fads that DO NOT WORK. Let's make fitness fun and accessible for everyone!
Play Latest EpisodeMy name is Beth and I am a Strength And Nutrition Coach, Recovering Alcoholic,
Runner, Wife, Mother, Lifter of Heavy Things, Fitness Motivator and Champion of
Personal Growth and Development!
At 42 years old I was 180 pounds and deep in my alcohol addiction. The summer of 2015 I
said enough was enough. I quit drinking and worked on my Recovery every single day. I
started running and weight lifting. From there I got a job at a local gym at the front desk. It
was then that I decided I wanted to help people lose weight, get strong and accomplish
things they never thought possible!
I became an Intern at the gym and got Certified in Fitness Nutrition and Personal Training. At
the same time I lost close to 30 pounds over the course of a year, gained muscle and
improved my relationship with food.
Through my own journey I’ve been able to help people lose weight and at the same time
improve their mental and physical health.
I am no stranger to Dieting. I have restricted, binged, fasted, Yo yo dieted, taken
supplements to try and lose weight, and have even worn a waist trainer to slim my belly! You
name it, I have done it!
I am here to tell you, you can lose the weight you want without the crazy diets or restricting
yourself from your favorite foods.
Matt and I met on tiktok. We are alot alike in the fact that we are no bullshit and just want to
see people succeed and become the best version of themselves! We are both evidenced
based coaches with similar styles of coaching so we ended up col…
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I know what it’s like to struggle with your health, fitness, and fat loss and not knowing what to believe and who to trust. I’ve done many of the quick fixes and fads our clients and audience have done – intermittent fasting, keto, fat burning supplements, everything promising the world and giving nothing in return other than a lighter wallet and more frustration. I’ve tried changing my body to impress others and because I thought that was what I was supposed to be doing.
It wasn’t until I repaired my relationship with food and myself that I found success and happiness – and that is what I want to help others with. Empowering others through my own struggles and experiences.
I got started in the industry back in 2015/2016 when my dad had a stroke. He turned to me for help with getting stronger in the gym. We worked out together religiously for 6 months and he drastically improved his health and it brought us closer together. My brother and brother in law joined us at this point and my passion for helping others was realized and I started pursuing personal trainer as a part time hobby.
That is why I’m passionate about helping people. The feelings they get when they accomplish their goals and improve their health is felt by me. I am very passionate about helping people improve their health – both physically and mentally. Helping them realize they can eat their favorite foods and get away from disordered eating habits – there is no better feeling!
I’m so thankful for partnering up with Beth for our podcast. We both have very similar styles of… Read More