Beth Feraco

Beth Feraco Profile Photo

My name is Beth and I am a Strength And Nutrition Coach, Recovering Alcoholic,
Runner, Wife, Mother, Lifter of Heavy Things, Fitness Motivator and Champion of
Personal Growth and Development!

At 42 years old I was 180 pounds and deep in my alcohol addiction. The summer of 2015 I
said enough was enough. I quit drinking and worked on my Recovery every single day. I
started running and weight lifting. From there I got a job at a local gym at the front desk. It
was then that I decided I wanted to help people lose weight, get strong and accomplish
things they never thought possible!

I became an Intern at the gym and got Certified in Fitness Nutrition and Personal Training. At
the same time I lost close to 30 pounds over the course of a year, gained muscle and
improved my relationship with food.

Through my own journey I’ve been able to help people lose weight and at the same time
improve their mental and physical health.

I am no stranger to Dieting. I have restricted, binged, fasted, Yo yo dieted, taken
supplements to try and lose weight, and have even worn a waist trainer to slim my belly! You
name it, I have done it!

I am here to tell you, you can lose the weight you want without the crazy diets or restricting
yourself from your favorite foods.

Matt and I met on tiktok. We are alot alike in the fact that we are no bullshit and just want to
see people succeed and become the best version of themselves! We are both evidenced
based coaches with similar styles of coaching so we ended up collaborating on tiktok and
from there we decided to start a podcast to be able to help more people together